

  1. 全県規模のモデルである。
  2. 民間主導型である。
  3. 民間団体「秋田・こころのネットワーク」が地域活動を展開。(2006年)
  4. 秋田ふきのとう県民運動実行委員会の設立。(2010年)
  5. 民間団体、秋田大学、県・市町村と新聞社の「民・学・官・報」が連携している。


「秋田モデル」を一口で言うならば 民間主導型の社会モデルといっていいでしょう。この代表的は機関が「秋田ふきのとう県民運動実行委員会」です。県知事と秋田大学副学長を顧問とし、自殺予防に必要なありとあらゆる団体(県内全市町村、医師会、看護協会、民生児童委員会などの166団体)が加入しております。県民運動は2010年に設立され、初代会長は袴田俊英氏、2代目会長は私が就任しました。ふきのとう県民運動では、年に3回、早朝の秋田駅で「いのちの大切さ」を訴える啓発活動を行います。これは、副知事、副市長及び議員の皆さんと関係者が行った街頭キャンペーン(2023年9月12日)の風景です。

The Chancellor’s Column (3)
October 3, 2023

Akita Prefecture’s suicide prevention measures are known as the “Akita Model,” and have become a prominent model in Japan. The Akita Model has the following five characteristics

(1) It is a prefecture-wide model.

(2) It is private-sector driven.

(3) A private organization, the Akita Kokoro Network, is involved in local activities. (2006) (iv) It is a prefecture-wide model (v) It is private-sector driven (vi) It is a community-based model.

(4) Establishment of the Akita Fukinoto Prefectural Citizens’ Movement Executive Committee (2010)

(5) Private organizations, Akita University, prefectural and municipal governments, and newspaper companies (civil, academic, government, and newspapers) are collaborating with each other.

And the history of activities for suicide prevention and countermeasures has been over 20 years.

 We call this private-sector-driven social model the “Akita Model.

The representative organization of this model is the “Akita Fukinoto Prefectural Citizens’ Movement Executive Committee.

The prefectural governor and the vice president of Akita University serve as advisors to the committee, which includes many organizations involved in suicide prevention. 166 organizations, including all municipalities in the prefecture, medical associations, nursing associations, and civilian children’s committee associations.

The prefectural movement was established in 2010, with Syunei  Hakamada as the first chairman and myself as the second chairman.

Three times a year, the Fukinoto Prefectural Citizens’ Movement holds an educational campaign at Akita Station in the early morning to emphasize the importance of life.

The photo below shows the street campaign conducted by the vice-governor, vice-mayor, and all the council members concerned.



10/6~7 電話相談