The Chancellor’s Column (1)
Saturday, July 1, 2023
The corona, which began in December 2019 in a small market in Wuhan, China, quickly spread around the world, resulting in approximately 6 billion infections and 68 million deaths worldwide over the past three years. During this period, the number of people infected in Japan was 30 million and the number of deaths exceeded 60,000. Although Corona has come to an end, it has left numerous aftereffects, and the country’s economy has shrunk considerably due to the three tight bans on closed spaces、crowded places、 close – contact settings、as well as the ban on travel. The three years of the Corona disaster increased the number of suicides among workers, including temporary and non-regular workers, and the number of suicides in Japan has risen from 19,000 to 20,000. With a “difference in scale” and a “time lag” in the increase in the number of suicides in Japan, the number of suicides in Akita Prefecture also increased, and the suicide rate in Akita Prefecture in 2022 has moved from 8th in Japan to the worst in the country again. Now that Corona has come to an end, the “Akita Model” of suicide prevention must be re-launched. From here, the current status of suicide prevention in Akita Prefecture after Corona will be reported to the nation and the world in real time.